How can I trust that the answers to the questions are correct?
Our questions are reviewed by practicing doctors who have sat and passed the HAAD Exam. Our answers include accurate explanations which are taken from up to date HAAD guidelines. We aim to continuously update our answers according to the latest guidelines.
Will DOHMCQ be adding more questions?
Yes, we are continuously adding questions to our question bank.
How to make a purchase?
You just need to add to the cart the product as per your requirement. Then you have to proceed to check out through credit card or debit card, or other online payment at your convenience.
We have altogether 10 sets of questions containing 100 questions in each set. In total, you can practice with 1000 sets of questions.
We will mail your username and password with the link in your provided mail id with the instruction to access your subscription.
Till when I can utilize the course?
Your subscription is valid till 3 months from the date of the subscription. And You can attempt as many times as you like for the 3-month period after your purchase.
Why am I being logged out of my account?
Systems are in place to detect multiple logins from different devices. You can only access the question bank from one device at a time to prevent account sharing. Accounts are personal to the subscriber. Passwords and other login details must not be passed to others.